As a group we decided to reconsider our image for the poster as we thought that the image we currently had, didn't really help us in terms of how we could convey our film to the audience.
So we had a discussion on different locations and what we can do to incorporate our ideas within this location. Our final agreement was to take our images elsewhere, like the woods for example, as the woods feature in our trailer making it seem logical to do so.
We had couple of ideas for what we can do, and here are our ideas-
1: This idea was to have a person with there hand, palm up from the floor in the woods, the palm would contain diamonds that will be over flowing from each side of his hand. We will keep the hand there, in the background we will have a blurred shoe running out of the frame in the image, making it seem someone has just been killed.
2. This second idea was to contain the same features than the first idea but without the "person running", this idea would be a 'Birds Eye View' of the palm with diamonds on it but with the mud and the leaves on it, to create the "Dirty" in "Dirty Diamonds"
3. The last and final idea was to create an image where the diamond will be in between the two characters, the two characters will be shot in a "close up" of the face, allowing the the audience to think that there is conflict between the two characters for the diamond.
We are hoping to achieve this by Saturday 15th December, Lee and James will get the train to my house where there are woods near by, therefore getting the images that we need to play around with.
If you uploaded the poster drafts that you have worked on so far then this post will be clearer.