Thursday, 31 May 2012

Dirty Diamonds- Voice over Script

'knock knock, whos there, me Dirty Dez!
Thats right! well what do you know when you have mates that can track people down like you, you little squirt!
Yeah I'm gonna find ya mate!
Im gonna hunt you down!
You got my Diamonds and I want em back!
So im gonna find ya!
And when I find ya!
Im gonna kill ya!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Influential Short Film #1: 'Hitman'

This short film allowed us to see amateur film makers use the resources that they had to their advantage. What this also helped to see is the use of the iconic british rough-cut gangster attitude shown by the quite funny way of acting, this "funny way of acting will make us realize the importance of improving our actors acting. What we found most fond of in this short film was the use of realistic gun effects, this also made us realize the importance of enhancing the effects in one short film, to give the audience a thing to be exited about and yet also be impressed.

  • The first time when the "boss" speaks you can really tell that the acting is very amateur, as he says "have you searched him," the speech with this is shows the inexperience of how well he can act. We hope to counteract this by using our friends that are currently studying drama in A-Level, these actors are: Kieran Tyler and Lee Arnold. However 'Lee Arnold' does not study drama, but has the potential to be an essential actor in this movie.

  • At the end when the boss of the gang is shot, the gun shot has the shot effect with it but when the 'Hitman' shoots the boss there does not seem to be a significant amount of blood as he was shot in the head. Rudi Sampat and James Rose (The editing team) will hopefully see to it, with careful editing with 'Sony Vegas'. 

  • One final flaw to this short film is the use of the stereo typical ghetto gangster they use. We felt that it wasn't necessary as it was not a ghetto type gang film. We hope to see to it with careful preparation for mise-en-scene

  • At the opening of the short film, there is a graphic effect on the start scene. This shot portrayed a realism of of a chosen weapon choice, where a custom made gun is seen being fixed together to the hitman's liking. What this can give insight in is the use of in thee depth of knowledge of what equipment they use into killing the victim. This can influence us by making our short film descriptive as possible.

  • Furthermore one other 'pro' of this short film  is the use of language they use in the dialogue. The use of such techniques, such as: The change in dialect- they put on a cocky london gangster type tone, like the dialect in 'Lock stock and two smoking barrels', 'Snatch' and 'Layer Cake' this the type of accent that we aim to create through our actors, but with a mix of 'Phil Mitchell's' deep voice.

  • The use of mise-en-scene, such as: Guns and Suits. The use of Guns allowed a sense of realism to it, making it seem that they actually look real and that they work. What we found out is that Lee Arnold's relative has in his possession a couple of double barrel shot gun's (But obviously there not loaded in the process of filming the scene). What this gives us in terms of advantages is that we would have to spend a lot of money in props. Also in terms of suits, we have managed to obtain a very nice suit which belongs to 'James Rose' which we will be using to dress Lee Arnold in during the filming.

Dirty Derrick Character Profiling

How was Dirty Derrick created? When coming up with the idea for 'Dirty Derrick' we were influenced by many other film and TV characters including Derrick Branning: Eastenders, Phil Mitchell: Eastenders, Jason Statham: Actor, Del Boy: Only fools and horses, "Don" Vito Corleone: Godfather and real life criminal Al Capone. We mixed these charcters into one person creating Dirty Derrick. He will have the deep voice of Jason Statham, the precence of the Don, Al Capones history and Del boys humour & greed.

Why did we name him Dirty Derrick? Firstly we came up with name Derrick after the character of Derrick Branning, we belive the name Derrick seems manly and strong, it can also be shortened to 'Dez' or 'Del' which is popular in gangs to do so.
We decided to reffer Derrick as 'Dirty' because this shows his violent past as he has got his hands 'dirty' many times before. If we had given Derrick a second name he would seem more friendly and the viewer would realise he has a family but without a last name and instead being called Dirty it shows that his life is completly oriented around crime and he has no emotions. The name Dirty Derrick also creates a bit of mystery as we do not know exactly how he got the name Dirty Derrick but can only guess.

Who is Dirty Derrick? Derrick is a violent and cocky man, his age is unknown which also creates mystery and fear- all we know is that he was voilent during the 1980's.
Dirty Derrick grew up in voilent London during times of gang warfare-  his father being one of the violent criminals. He is the leader of voilent and succesful gang 'The Ole Mob' who murder, steal and deal with drugs & diamonds. He owns houses across the UK and Spain- of course bought with 'dirty money'.


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Research into Gangster Language

As our main character 'Dirty Dez' is a long time British gangster we need to use British slang in the dialogue. I have looked at a website filled with British slang words which include-

Arse - This is a word that doesn't seem to exist in America. It basically means the same as ass, but is much ruder. It is used in phrases like "pain in the arse" (a nuisance) or I "can't be arsed" (I can't be bothered) or you might hear something was "a half arsed attempt" meaning that it was not done properly.
Barmy - If someone tells you that you're barmy they mean you have gone mad or crazy. For example you'd have to be barmy to visit England without trying black pudding!
Blimey - Another exclamation of surprise. My Dad used to say "Gawd Blimey" or "Gor Blimey" or even "Cor Blimey". It is all a corruption of the oath God Blind Me.
Bollocks - This is a great English word with many excellent uses. Technically speaking it means testicles but is typically used to describe something that is no good (that's bollocks) or that someone is talking rubbish (he's talking bollocks).
Bugger all - If something costs bugger all, it means that it costs nothing. Meaning it is cheap. If you have bugger all, it means you have nothing.
Chuffed - You would be chuffed to bits if you were really pleased about something.
Cobblers - I have heard people say "what a load of cobblers" more than once. Maybe that's because I talk so much rubbish. An equivalent would be what a load of bollocks. It means you are talking out of your butt and has nothing to do with any kind of dessert! Derived from the cockney rhyming slang where Cobblers Awls = Balls!
Crikey - Another exclamation of surprise. Some people say "Crikey Moses".
Dogs bollocks - You would say that something really fantastic was the dog's bollocks. Comes from the fact that a dog's bollocks are so fantastic that he can't stop licking them! Nice huh? Often shortened to just "The dog's".
Donkey's years - Someone said to me the other day that they hadn't seen me for donkey's years. It means they hadn't seen me for ages.
Give us a bell - This simply means call me. You often hear people use the word "us" to mean "me".
Grub - Food. Similar to nosh. I remember my Dad calling "grub's up", when dinner was ready as a kid. A grub is also an insect larva. Not usually eaten in England. Actually is available in some Australian restaurants!
On your bike - A very polite way of telling someone to f*** off.
Ta - We said "ta" as kids in Liverpool for years before we even knew it was short for thanks.
Tosser - This is another word for wanker and has exactly the same meaning and shares the same hand signal. Unfortunately my house in Texas was in Tossa Lane, which was a problem when telling older members of the family where to write to me!

These are just a few British slang words from - although we are familiar with many of these we also learnt a few more. 

Friday, 25 May 2012

Dirty Diamonds Video Pitch

The three of us gave our class a brief introduction of what we plan for 'Dirty Diamonds' and answered a few of their questions. We told the class what our film is called, what it is about and a little bit of information about our main character- we filmed our discussion with the class.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

'Dirty Diamonds' Research into Influential films.

Influences and Why?
Introducing our new idea, We have come up with a film idea of a 'Rough Edged British Gangster Film' that is 'Dirty Diamonds'. 'Dirty Diamonds' has its main influences from British films, such as: 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,' 'Snatch' and 'Blood Diamond.'

The first film influence which we have looked at is the most famous British gangster film, 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', this 'Guy Ritchie' film helped us realize the mise-en-scene and the characteristics of each character allowing us to mimic the accent and the body language of each character. One character in particular that that does convey all the nesserscary characteristics is 'Vinnie Joneses' Character-'Big Chris'. His characteristics conveyed in film shows that he has a rough cut feel about him as he shows it through his body language and accent.

For the second influential film we decided on the film that yet again Guy Ritchie made, which is 'Snatch.' 'Snatch' allowed us to realize the environment that we need to set in terms of location. As Locations stand, as a group we decided to set it in varies places in London to truly give it that British edge.

The third influential film that really sets the film in the stone, is the film 'Blood Diamond'. Now 'Blood Diamond' for us is where we generally got the name from, for our film and also the concept of relating it around Diamonds, "Blood Diamonds."

Another Influential Films that we have considered is 'Layer Cake,' as we all know 'Layer Cake' has an iconic of rich british gangster theme where Daniel Craig plays the well-off rough playboy. In relation to our film we have considered the same the theme as Lee Arnold will portray the Play boy.

How MISE-EN-SCENE Influences Our Film.
In our movie, mise-en-scene from our new influential films allows us to helps visualize what we can make of props and location. With props there are such things like: Costumes-These are influenced through the smart jacket-shirt combo, which sets an example of rich gangster's. This is very much 'the most common' in each of our influential films. Other props include the use of 'Diamonds'-the diamonds were ordered on 'Ebay' for around £4, another prop that we previously used in our 'Million Dollar Punch' was a smart jacket but was eventually cut out of the film for improvement purposes. We initially want to use this Smart Jacket in our 'Dirty Diamonds' film.

'Dirty Diamonds' Plot Taster
Main man gangster Derrick aka 'Dirty Dez' (Lee Arnold) 
has required the taste of 
Vengeance enabling him to feed on the lust of blood small town loner Lenny (Kieren Tyler) is forced to convey deviant behavior in which he steals 'Dirty Dez's' diamonds. This then triggers the lust of blood which therefore 
Makes 'Dirty Dez's pursue his valuables. 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Re-Visiting Locations

During the upcoming June half-term; we will hopefully be re-visiting the two locations that will be in our film, 'London' and 'The Wold caravan park' as you can see from the pictures posted previously on our blog.  The reason for re-visiting these loctions is to imporve the performance of our production as we didnt have enough time to run the filming smoothly especially for the filming at 'The Wold Caravan Park' we will keep you up to date with the process of our filming as well as planning.

Getting to work, Time Management

We have now done our exam and will work on A2. We have our fingers crossed for good results but in the meantime we are focusing our attention to 'Dirty Diamonds' and hope to do well in this production. We will be posting our planning as we go along.